Lashawna T Thomas

Lashawna T Thomas (4)

Story Telling

Converting readers into customers doesn't have to be as hard as it looks. Once your marketing strategy is good enough to attract prospects, your content should get them converted, without stress. So what's the easy way to convert readers? "...the better you be come at…

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2021 has seen its fair share of events, but COVID-19 remains the most impactful one. And the one industry that has been grown massively due to this pandemic is the eCommerce industry. People who used to gather at brick-and-mortar shops are leaning towards online shopping,…

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Grow Your Customers

Generating new business by growing your customer base is important to your business success. However, it can sometimes be very challenging. Read more at small business gov site. Here are some practical tips to help you grow your customer base. Get to know your customers…

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Grow By 10%

f your business is not green and growing then it’s ripe and rotting, says serial entrepreneur Creel Price. Price is accomplished at the growth phase of business, having launched ten enterprises before he was 21 and then co-founding a start-up with $5000 capital and selling…

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